Best Semi Independent Living
Folucare provides safe and comfortable homes and person centred – support for residents aged 16-24 years. We aim to provide services based on an assessment of the person’s needs
Folucare provides safe and comfortable homes and person centred – support for residents aged 16-24 years. We aim to provide services based on an assessment of the person’s needs
Discover our comprehensive range of care services designed to meet the unique needs of individuals and provide the highest quality of life.
Our Semi-Independent Living service aims to gap the bridge between childhood and adulthood by providing a supportive enviroment and high standard of accommodation for customers aged 16 to 24 years. We provide safe,comfortable homes for care leavers ,homeless teenagers, unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. Folucare ensures the young people are able to develop and maintain respect, self-reliance and self-care skills which will and enable them to make informed, age-appropriate decisions, concerning their present and future so they can achieve a successful transition into independence and adulthood.
All services offered are based on an assessment of the young person’s need varying needs which may include: